Sunday, July 14, 2013

Craft Dash ~ 8k with a happy ending

I did the Craft Dash last year, by myself, and it was a blast! I loved it so much that I conned-er-convinced a bunch of friends to join me! "It's great, you run to whole bunch of breweries, you drink at every stop, and by the end you are running fast because you feel awesome (a maybe a little bit sloshy)"

So we all signed up, and didn't catch on to the "happy ending" change to the name.

Apparently, it's not the best idea to have a bunch of half drunk people running around Portland at 10a.m.

There was a few days of pre-race disappointment that we wouldn't be getting beer during the race, but Craft Dash totally made up for it in the end!

 Did I mention that there is also a costume contest with the Craft Dash?

Bay Watch? They even had a shark in there.

I think this group won, pretty kick ass Mario Cart theme
We started at the Hop & Vine where we had a group toast with a glass of beer before we were released into the wilds of Portland. The organizers had managed to arrange one beer stop on the run, but we would have to wait until we got to the finish line before the beer really started flowing.
Cheers to the Slow Pokes!

Why yes, a Team Slow Poke shoe shot, with my "Hop-ster" claw
I promised MJ that I would speed walk with her for this event, so we waved good bye to the other Slow Pokes, and got in the groove. We might have been at the back of the pack, but we got to enjoy watching some of the fun costume teams that might have created their own beer stops on the course....
Finish line glass and all those beer tickets!
The finish line was at Widmer Brothers Brewing where the breweries we ran past were all represented. Each of those tickets was good for a decent pour of beer, so by the end, we all were feeling pretty great for having done an 8k on a hot morning.
I have to say, July as been the sweatiest race month for me! Who knew claws were so toasty to exercise in?
Craft Dash, in addition to being a fundraiser for a local school, we got a really nice shirt (the design changes each year)a glass tasting glass and a bunch of beer. As you could guess, no race bibs (unless you count our ID bracelets) or timing chips, but a pretty epic 8k for $40

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